The word city is written in red on a white background.

Want transparency?

Here’s some ballpark pricing, so you have a better idea what our services cost and what to expect when integrating us into your budget.

Who we serve:

  • Start-ups

    Start ups spend approximately $12-15K in the first year with us. 

    Typically that starts with a website, a credible brand identity and logo design, along with a few basic necessities for bringing in business like printed business cards, rack cards, sales sheets and pocket folders. As start ups grow, we transition to brand consistency, marketing strategies, media and more.

  • Established Businesses

    Small businesses typically spend $35K +/- per year using our services. 

    Support cost usually fluctuates between $2-5K per month based on efforts and the ebb and flow of your business’ seasonality. 

    Sidenote:  To accomplish all of the tasks that we handle in a year, you would need a graphic designer ($40-75K/yr), a web developer ($80-105K/yr), a social media manager ($65K/yr), and marketing manager ($110-120K/yr), a videographer and editor ($45-100K/yr), and other possible employees. You would also need to develop processes and manage the team, pay for their benefits, cover insurance, and deal with ongoing employee turnover and retrainingSee our comparison chart below.

    Many times with small businesses, our support starts with an updated brand. Re-branding can vary in pricing based on the size of your company, custom messaging, number of employees, equipment etc. For example, if you own a roofing company with a staff of 30 that need uniforms and 15 utility trucks that need to be wrapped, your brand guidelines pricing won’t change, however it will be much more expensive to implement your brand than that of a similar company a fraction of the size.

    Once the small business brand guidelines and logo design are in place, or if the brand is already established, we then move into management, marketing and media. Typical Support includes content creation and management, ongoing digital campaigns, graphic design, AI, analytics, reporting, on-call consulting, Google ads and more. 

  • Enterprise, Developers & Gov’t

    Trends show larger corporations gravitating towards boutique agencies, taking advantage of the centralized focus on specific expertise and knowledge of regions. The majority of projects are bid on through RFPs. Projects are short term and prices and support vary.

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What's the cost difference between hiring River City Consulting and hiring in-house employees to manage your own creative team?

Hire River City Consulting Hire Your Own In-House Team
Art Director Included $65,000 per year*
Web Developer Included $95,000 per year*
Social Media Manager Included $65,000 per year*
Marketing Manager Included $115,000 per year*
Videographer Included $60,000 per year*
Video Editor Included $75,000 per year*
Employee Taxes N/A 15.3% times salary **
Employee Benefits N/A 30% total payroll***
Employee Training N/A 3% total payroll***
Employee Procurement N/A 1.3 times the salary***
Employee Turnover N/A 40% salary to replace***
Security We manage applicable account information, as well as maintain project files in your dedicated folder indefinitely for future use. Employees can come and go . . . sometimes with important logins and previous projects. All of this costs you time, effort and money.
Total Yearly Cost $35,000 per year on average $78,000 per year minimum

*Salaries are general averages found in Richmond Virginia and may vary.

**The current FICA rate businesses pay on top of salaries for taxes and Medicare.

***According to various studies, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other online sources. 

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